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Approvals & Certifications

ISO17025:2017 Certificate No: RSA20230101

Certificate of Accreditation, Laboratory Management System, has been issued to Alcohol Breathalysers (Pty) Ltd, 29 Plantation Road, Corner of 48 The Avenue, The Gardens, Norwood, Johannesburg, South Africa, under The Testing and Calibration Laboratories Program in Accordance with ISO17025:2017. The Certificate is applicable to the following Product or Service ranges: CALIBRATION OF BREATHALYSERS Period of Accreditation: 31 January 2024 to 30 January 2025. Certificate Number: RSA20230101

ISO17025 Alcohol Breathalysers Pty Ltd 2024 to 2025

ISO13485:2016 Certificate No: 21IMJI32 

The Medical Device Quality Management System of Alcohol Breathalysers (Pty) Ltd has been assessed and found to conform to the requirements of ISO13485:2016 for the following scope: THE IMPORT, EXPORT AND DISTRIBUTION OF MEDICAL DEVICES. Initial Registration Date: 21/12/2021 Issuance Date: 21/12/2022 Date of Expiry: 20/12/2023 Date of Re-Certification: 20/12/2024 Certified by: AQC Middle East LLC - Member of IAF and IAS Accredited.

ISO13485:2016 Alcohol Breathalysers Pty Ltd

ISO9001:2015 Certificate No: SA2077

Alcohol Breathalysers (Pty) Ltd is a QAS International Registered Company. The administration systems of Alcohol Breathalysers (Pty) Ltd - Head Office, situated at 29 Plantation Road, Corner of 48 The Avenue, The Gardens, Johannesburg, South Africa have been assessed and approved by QAS International to the following Management Systems, Standards and Guidelines: ISO9001:2015 Approved on the 17th of September 2019, re-certified on the 17th of September 2023 and valid until the 17th of September 2024.

SA2077 Alcohol Breathalysers Pty Ltd ISO9001 Certificate

SAHPRA Licence Number: 00001652MD_v1

Alcohol Breathalysers Pty Ltd, situated at 29 Plantation Road, Corner 48 The Avenue, The Gardens, Norwood, 2192 is a Licenced Distributor, Importer and Exporter of Medical Devices including Class B devices. Validity: Original Date of Issue: 27 October 2020. Amendment date: 17 May 2024 Expiry date: 27 October 2025

OEM Manufacturer ISO Quality Assurance Certifications: Our Alcoscan, iSober and iBlow10 alcohol breathalysers are manufactured by Sentech Korea Corporation and the Environmental Management System and Quality Management Systems in place have been certified by KMAR to standards ISO9001 and ISO14001 respectively.

EN Standard 15964:2011 for Breath alcohol test devices other than single use devices: Alcoscan ALP-1 meets the requirements of EN15964:2011 and we have a Conformance Report Available from the SABS Environmental Testing department.

ICASA Approval of Bluetooth (BT) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) obtained for the following breathalyser models and accessories:

Alcoscan ALP-1 (BT), YJ Printer (BT) for Alcoscan ALP-1 (BT), iSoberS Pro (BLE), Alcoscan AL8800BT (BLE), KETOSCAN Mini (BLE), Multigenix Ketoscan Smart and iBlow10 Pro BLE.

EMC EN 61326-1:2006 compliant:

All of the electronic products which we sell include the CE mark and application of the CE mark is permitted.

Important Notice regarding "SABS Approval" and "Department of Transport (DOT) Approved" Breathalyser Screeners in South Africa:

There exists no SABS Standard for breathalyser screening devices in South Africa therefore no "SABS Approval" can be given to any breathalyser screener in South Africa.

Only Evidential Breath Analyser Testers (EBATs) specifically required for Road Traffic Law-Enforcement Prosecutions in terms of the National Road Traffic Act 1996 can be "SABS Approved" when they are type-approved against SABS1793:2013. The SABS Environmental Testing department may in some instances issue "Conformance Reports" relating to foreign International Standards for Breathalyser Screeners however these Conformance Reports are not considered "SABS Approvals".

Any South African company which claims that they sell an "SABS Approved" or "Department of Transport (DOT) Approved" Breathalyser Screener is making a false, illegal and fraudulent claim about their breathalyser product.