Technical Information
All breathalyser sensors require recalibration at intervals of 6 or 12 months depending on use, model specifications and regulatory requirements to ensure that results obtained using the instruments are accurate during the period of use. Alcohol Breathalysers (Pty) Ltd is capable of servicing iBlow, iSober, AL-series, Alcomate and Alcoscan brands of breathalysers.
When breathalysers are used beyond their specifications the sensors would need to be recalibrated at shorter intervals.
Breathalyser Screeners for Law-Enforcement in South Africa must be serviced and recalibrated at 6 month intervals regardless of the amount of use.
Calibration Certificates are provided with new workplace, industrial and law-enforcement models upon purchase and after a recalibration service has been completed.
Specific Breathalysers for Specific Requirements:
Personal Breathalysers for testing one's own breath alcohol concentration (strictly not for testing employees or in workplaces): AL2500, AL2500 Elite & AL5500.
Small Business Breathalysers: AL6000 Lite, AL6000 Pro, AL7000 Premium, AL3100, AL8800BT, iSoberS Pro and ALX3000 Interlock.
Industrial and Law-Enforcement Breathalysers that do not require mouthpieces: AL1100F, iBlow10 and EBS010
Industrial and Law-Enforcement breath alcohol screener that can be used in Passive no-mouthpiece mode for screening and Active Mode with a mouthpiece to obtain a digital and printed result for use in disciplinary hearings, CCMA and labour processes: Alcoscan ALP-1 Bluetooth with or without Printer
Industrial Entrance point alcohol screening: Alcoscan EBS010 Entrance Breathalyser System for gates, entrances, turnstiles. Permits up to 12 tests per minute. Easy-to-Change replaceable Sensor Modules available so that EBS010 remains permanently installed on-site when sensors require recalibration. Full Integration into Access Control Systems & Installation services available depending on which T&A readers are are installed.
Ignition Interlock Breathalyser to prevent ignition when a positive breath alcohol test occurs: Alcoscan ALX3000 Interlock that supports both 12V and 24V vehicles