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iSober App & Cloud Service

iSober App is a breathalyser test management platform for day-to-day capturing, sharing, tracking and storing of breathalyser test data for individual users, business owners, fleet managers and virtually anyone who has a truck, bus or vehicle who needs to test drivers remotely without having to physically test the User themselves.

iSober allows you to prompt your drivers in remote locations to perform breathalyser tests on themselves where the test result then becomes available in real-time for sharing and analysis. Breathalyser tests are matched with photographic identity, geo-position, date, time, serial number of device and test result.

iSober App is available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

iSober for individual, personal and small business users – Free Access with in-App purchase for extended data storage.

Individual Users can capture breath tests on a voluntary or mandatory basis for the purpose of sharing breathalyser test results with a loved one or colleague in order to get a ride home when intoxicated or for work-place alcohol screening where breathalyser test data needs to be saved and transmitted to Managers & Supervisors:

  • Use iSober App as a Guest or sign in using your Apple ID or Google account for Operator and Self-Test access.
  • Last 20 test results stored in App when signed in with Google and Apple.
  • Results can be shared by Email, WhatsApp and iMessage.
  • iSober for Android allows for alcohol testing with iBlow10 ProAlcoscan ALP-1 BT, iSoberS Pro and AL8800BT
  • iSober for iOS allows for alcohol testing with iBlow10 ProiSoberS Pro and AL8800BT

iSober Sign in iSober Welcome Guest    iSober Results

iSober Enterprise – Premium paid-for Web Access

Enterprise users who conduct daily, random or mandatory breathalyser tests on drivers, employees or contractors are able to utilise the iSober App and Cloud service to obtain definitive breath alcohol test results that enables operators to prevent drink drivers from operating vehicles, to prevent intoxicated employees entering work-places and to gather substantive evidence for disciplinary action if need be.

  • Sign in as an Enterprise User for Administrator, Operator & Self-Test access via web portal and in the iSober App.
  • Create and Manage Users from within the iSober web.
  • Set up customised push notifications for positive test results.
  • Multi-device User Access.

Multi-User Enterprise 12 Month Subscription:

  • R99 incl. vat per user per month.
  • Minimum user base is 10 users for Enterprise.
  • Invoiced Directly and Activated by our Developers.