Hygiene Guidelines

We supply alcohol free Steriwipes certified to kill Covid-19 and paper straws to support safe & hygenic use of breathalysers. To view the products please visit our Accessories page: https://breathalysers.co.za/collections/accessories

Notice: 15 January 2020 - COVID-19 Awareness & Hygiene Guidelines when using breathalysers. (Updated & Revised on 9 March 2020) (Updated & Revised on 6 August 2021) (Internal Document Number: BREA/CL/QF/25)

Hygienic use of breathalysers - Health & Safety Summary

Operational Techniques

Users (Subjects) being tested should use the following Blow techniques for screeners and confirmatory type breathalysers:

  • Without a straw: Blow towards breathalyser air inlet at 50mm away from blow point of device without making any contact.
  • When using a straw: Use disposable sealed new mouthpieces or wrapped paper straws to blow into the blow-point of breathalyser – dispose of the mouthpiece or paper straw after use. 6mm / 8mm (width) by 20mm (length) paper straws are recommended.

Operational Procedures

Breathalyser operators / security staff and police officers handling breathalysers should wear surgical gloves, protective masks, adequate PPE and ensure that all equipment is wiped down with Non-Alcohol Steriwipes before and after each test is conducted. Blowing by subjects should be directed away from the operators and not towards the operator of the breathalyser.

Without a paper straw – Automatic / Screener Breathalysers eg. iBlow10 and EBS010

  • Follow indicator instruction lights and operator instructions.
  • Blow into the air inlet / blow point of Breathalyser directly at a distance of 2cm to 3cm from blow point:
    • Blow Steadily towards blow point for 2 to 3 seconds.
    • Do not place lips on blow point.
    • Do not inhale or suck air through blow point.
    • One person should blow at a time.
    • No spitting, coughing or sneezing should be permitted on or towards blow point.
    • Wipe the blow point with non-alcohol Steri-wipes.
  • Await test result.

With a paper straw – Screeners and Confirmatory Breathalysers eg. iBlow10 and ALP-1

  • Follow indicator instruction lights and operator instructions.
  • Unwrap Disposable Paper Straw and blow into the air inlet / blow point of Breathalyser directly at a distance of 2cm to 3cm from blow point:
    • Blow Steadily through straw or mouthpiece for 2 to 3 seconds.
    • Do not place lips on blow point of breathalyser, only onto the straw or mouthpiece.
    • Do not inhale through straw or mouthpiece.
    • One person should blow at a time.
    • No spitting, coughing or sneezing should be permitted on or towards blow point.
    • Wipe the blow point with non-alcohol Steri-wipes.
  • Await test result.

Ergonomic Design

The blow point of breathalysers have been ergonomically designed to reduce “Blow Back”, reducing the return back draft of a user’s breath. Air blown towards the blow point of breathalysers enters the blow point for alcohol analysis and excess air exhaled dissipates to the left, right, top and bottom of blow point.

In the case of EBS010 Breathalyser supports “Blow Through” ability reducing condensation on the Blow Point and internal Sensor. A user's breath is directed through the unit and additional pressure is dispersed sideways. A Disposable Straw may be utilised with EBS010

Routine Cleaning

Common Non-Alcoholic, Non-Abrasive products can be used to clean Breathalysers and must be used routinely. In order to ensure correct device functionality, no cleaner residue should filter into the “Blow Point” of the breathalyser.

Recommended Product: Non-Alcoholic & Non-Abrasive disinfectant Steri-Wipes as this product is certified to kill Covid-19.

Cleaning Schedule is dependent on regularity of usage and be as often as between every test conducted.

Disease Transmission Prevention


  • Direct contact with the breathalyser while in use or directly thereafter.
  • Direct contact with the inserted paper straw end after use.
  • Direct contact with the mouthpiece end after use and dispose immediately.
  • Blowing potential contaminants onto or into the device (Saliva, other Material).
  • Using visually contaminated devices until cleaned.
  • Spitting, avoid coughing and avoid sneezing on or towards blow point.

After testing, both the user and operator must wash hands thoroughly or utilise high-alcohol concentration hand sanitizer or wipes. Do not touch mouth, eyes, nose or face in general after coming in contact with any surfaces upon entering or exiting a workplace or public space.

Clean your hands often - Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; going to the bathroom; and before eating or preparing food. Soap and water are the best option if hands are visibly dirty. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

Clean all “high-touch” surfaces routinely - High touch surfaces include counters, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets, and tables. Also, clean any surfaces that may have blood, stool, or body fluids on them. Use industrial cleaning spray or wipes, according to the label instructions. Labels contain instructions for safe and effective use of the cleaning product including precautions you should take when applying the product, such as wearing gloves and making sure you have good ventilation during use of the product.

Combination of correct use and operation

Correct use and operation of breathalysers mitigates the risk of disease transmission entirely.

  • Operation – handle equipment correctly and hygienically.
  • User Technique – Blow correct and do not inhale. Do not cough, sneeze or spit on equipment.
  • Cleaning – regular and routine cleaning of all equipment.
  • Contact Avoidance – no contact should be made with screeners.
  • Potential Contamination Reporting – ensure any device contamination is reported.