iSober Breathalyser App for Fleet & Ops Managers
Posted by Angus MacArthur on
Consider our iSober Breathalyser App and Cloud Service for fleet and ops managers. iSober Breathalyser App allows you to prompt your drivers or employees to test themselves remotely using any of three different breathalysers whilst you check your App or on the Cloud via a web browser to make sure that they have passed the test. Test results include date, time, photo, GPS position and watermarked data on the photo. #safedriving #soberworking #arrivealive
Switch to mocktails instead of cocktails
Posted by Angus MacArthur on
Switch to #mocktails this weekend instead of #cocktails and make healthier choices! If you decide to drink alcohol then breathalyse yourself #themorningafter to make sure you test 0.00% Mg/l BrAC before driving or working on Monday! #SafeDriving #SoberWorking #ArriveAlive #SafetyFirst Visit to learn more about breathalysers.
Entry Permitted
Posted by Angus MacArthur on
“Entry is Permitted!” Make sure that you test 0.00% Mg/l BrAC before entering any work-place or driving any vehicle. Always think #SafetyFirst & #SoberWorking Please visit our website to learn more about our range of zero-tolerance fleet and industry #breathalyser models.
Live to see tomorrow, always drive sober!
Posted by Angus MacArthur on
Test yourself #themorningafter consumption of alcohol to ensure that when you drive or enter a workplace you are 100% sober.Visit to learn about fleet, industry and personal breathalysers.#SafeDriving #SoberWorking #ArriveAlive
You are NOT a stunt car driver!
Posted by Angus MacArthur on
You are NOT a stunt car driver! Avoid being a statistic and ALWAYS drive #sober!Breathalyse yourself, your employees & drivers to ensure that everyone is not under the influence of #alcohol before driving. Test especially #themorningafter consumption because when fatigue & alcohol mix, it results in deaths.Visit to learn more about personal, industrial and fleet breathalysers.#SafeDriving #SoberWorking #ArriveAlive