The Morning After - Be Sober before you drive or work
Posted by Angus MacArthur on
You might still be under the influence of alcohol #themorningafter consumption. It takes approximately 1 hour for the human body to eliminate 1 unit of alcohol. Breathalyse yourself to make sure that you are 100% #sober before driving a vehicle or entering any workplace!Visit to learn about our personal & industrial #breathalysers suitable for daily breath alcohol testing! Aim to #ArriveAlive and always think #SafeDriving #SoberWorking
Be Sober on the road
Posted by Angus MacArthur on
Always be #sober on the road so that you #ArriveAlive - Please visit to learn about fleet & industrial #breathalysers suitable for daily breath alcohol testing especially #themorningafter drinking alcohol! #SafeDriving #SoberWorking
Be #sober on the job
Posted by Angus MacArthur on
Be #sober on the job! Think #safetyfirst Visit to learn more about industrial and personal alcohol testers. Testing is essential especially #themorningafter drinking #alcohol
Breathalyser Testing in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic with a No-Contact Fixed Breathalyser
Posted by Angus MacArthur on
Specific safety and hygiene measures should be implemented to safely test for alcohol in breath during the COVID-19 pandemic. If a fixed no-contact Entrance breathalyser tester for example our Alcoscan EBS010 is used to test an employee for breath alcohol, then the employee should use a disposable paper straw to blow into the breathalyser. The exhaled breath enters the front of the EBS010 breathalyser and leaves the breathalyser through the back of it and dissipates into the chamber upon which the EBS010 is fixed to. Zero blow-back takes place when the 8mm straw is used to blow into the breathalyser. In the following...
Handheld Breath Alcohol Testing in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Posted by Angus MacArthur on
Specific safety and hygiene measures should be implemented to safely test for alcohol in breath during the COVID-19 pandemic. If a handheld breathalyser is used to test someone for alcohol, then the operator of the breathalyser must wear examination gloves, clear eye protection or goggles as well as a medical grade mask. The operator must hold the breathalyser at arms length and the subject must use a disposable paper straw to blow into the breathalyser to ensure that air blown into the breathalyser is not blown towards the operator. Alternatively, the subject who needs to be tested for alcohol should...